New ExpandFibre member Kiilto is looking forward to exploring sustainable raw materials for packaging with the other ecosystem members
MembersKiilto is a Finnish family-owned company with its history dating back to more than hundred years. They develop, produce, and sell chemical industry solutions in construction, industrial adhesives and fireproofing as well as in professional hygiene and consumer goods. We discussed with Oili Kallatsa from Kiilto to learn about the company’s sustainability activities and how they would like to collaborate with the other ExpandFibre member companies.
Director of Research, Development and Innovation at KiiltoClean Oili Kallatsa works in the hygiene and consumer goods division, engaged in the development of chemical products, quality assurance, and exploring new digital solutions. As to why Kiilto joined the ExpandFibre ecosystem, Oili points out that at Kiilto, environmental matters and sustainability have long been at the core of their business. Their R&D aims to take the environment into consideration in many areas: carbon-neutrality and renewables are key factors in their development work within the company as well as with the partners. Oili reminds: “Nobody can create the full value chain alone. We need many partners in this work, starting from suppliers.”
The environmental responsibility translates into Kiilto’s efforts to use more environmentally friendly raw materials, to engage more in the circular economy, and to use energy efficiently. They have many ongoing activities with the universities, startups and larger companies around the themes of sustainability and circular economy.
Kiilto aims to make their packaging as sustainable as possible, exploring recyclable plastics and alternative packaging materials with an excellent tolerance to demanding components such as acids and bases, which are often present in Kiilto products. Wood-based fibre products are also of high interest for Kiilto.
On joining the ExpandFibre ecosystem, Kiilto has special interest to learn more about the packaging theme and its possibilities. Further, they want to find out how Kiilto could benefit from the forestry’s side streams as new potential raw materials. Kiilto is very keen to test new raw materials and pilot them with the other ExpandFibre members. They have already carried out some research to learn what hemicelluloses have to offer, and lignins of various kinds are next on their agenda. Cleaning technologies are also a future area to explore: antibacterial characteristics of the components largely found in forests are extremely interesting!
To conclude, Oili welcomes like-minded ExpandFibre members to contact the company with their ideas for testing and piloting with Kiilto. Kiilto are very open to test out new applications in their solutions on their journey to sustainable business and products.
More information: www.kiilto.com